The 2024 Daoud and Salam Kuttab annual Newsletter

MY blog on Pope in washington post and reactions to it

Five Reactions: Clearing the Way for Dialogue by Daoud Kuttab Amman, Jordan – I saw this problem brewing. On Al Jazeera, the Pope’s[…]

After Lebanon, a wise Palestinian strategy required

Daoud Kuttab As I predicted in earlier columns, Israel’s unilateral policy has proven to be one of the first victims of its war[…]

After Lebanon a wise Palestinian strategy is needed

Daoud Kuttab As I predicted in earlier columns, Israel’s unilateral policy has proven to be one of the first victims of its war[…]

Palestinians must be ready for November 3rd

by Daoud Kuttab The outcome so far of the Israeli war on Lebanon is a mixed bag for Palestinians. The war reinforced the[…]

Hard Crossings

The following appeared in the NY Times web site TimesSelect under the heading in the line of fire. Some reactions to the article[…]

Lessons of the Lebanon war

by Daoud Kuttab Wars are won not only on battlefields, but also in people’s minds. So, while Hezbollah has not decisively won its[…]

Christian Zionists and False Prophets (and positive online feedback)

  Below is an article that appeared on the web site of the New York Times Timeselect At the end of the article,[…]

Mechanism required to ensure respect for civilians in times of conflict

Daoud Kuttab Whenever a war breaks out anywhere in the world, you often hear some people say things like, “there are no rules[…]

Trouble at the Border

The following appeared in the New York Times TimesSelect section under the heading in the Line of Fire August 2, 2006, 9:31 pm[…]

The biggest blow

By Daoud Kuttab One of the underreported motives of the capture by Hizbullah of two Israeli soldiers was the Lebanese Islamist attempts to[…]