The 2024 Daoud and Salam Kuttab annual Newsletter

Ramallah Resilient Under Siege

It was late Tuesday night and Saleem Sweidan, who runs Nablus TV, was trying to figure out where to sleep that night. The[…]

Al-Nakba at 53

Israelis often misunderstand the political meaning of the word Nakba which Palestinians apply to the events in 1948 that led to the dispossession[…]

Settlement Freeze is the way out

If there was one issue that the Mitchell committee seems to have zoomed clearly on in its report has been the issue of[…]

Cease-fire conditions

So finally we have it. A Middle East leader has finally pronounced the two-syllable word. Cease-fire. Sure, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s words were[…]

‘Situation on the ground can change public opinion’

More and more Israelis and their supporters in the US are making a major issue of the fact that the peace process is[…]

The dark road ahead

David Landau has been writing for Ha’aretz for some time. His path and mine have often crossed, usually when we are on different[…]

The Law of War

Is there a law for war? This was the way I have interrupted the various comments that friends of mine made this week.[…]

Jerusalem’s Survivors

Mrs. Asfour, a respected Palestinian woman in her late fifties had a problem the other day getting to her home in the Jerusalem[…]

Negotiations and Violence

The new Israeli government wants to create international precedent by its demands that Palestinians unilaterally end what it calls violence and terrorism as[…]

Closed bridges policy

The new Jordan River Bridge that has been built with Japanese money is impressive in its structure. Towering so high the new bride[…]