Archive for December 23rd, 2001

Dec 23 2001

Cease Fire Conditions

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Yasser Arafat interrupted two television programs in the past week to make a simple point. It is difficult to uphold a unilateral cease-fire. Speaking from a prepared text to the Palestinian people on the occasion of Eid al Fitr Arafat reiterated the Palestinian Authority’s commitment to a cease-fire. Arafat’s impromptu comments to his people in Arabic on Palestinian TV were very telling. “Hold you fire even if the Israelis shoot at you,” he said in Arabic. A week earlier on Israel’s first channel Arafat was asked if he can promise the Israeli public that there will be no more suicide bombings.” We need to work together with you to be able to do that,” he told the Israeli interviewer. Continue Reading »

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