Archive for September 22nd, 2006

Sep 22 2006

Starting with the Individual

Published by under Blogs

Daoud Kuttab
Four and-a-half years ago I found myself in a difficult position. This week,  the circle has been closed. But I am afraid that I can’t say that I am pleased with the results.
Israeli troops decided that a five-storey building in Ramallah, belonging to Al Quds University, was needed for their security. They must have decided that the building which houses Al Quds University’s Institute of Modern Media, Al Quds Educational TV and the university’s archaeological department would make a perfect headquarters for the Israeli army’s engineering unit.

On April 2. 2002, troops that were in areas A of the Palestinian Authority as part of the defensive shield operation moved in to take over this strategically based location. They surrounded the building, detained the few people who were manning the educational TV (faculty and students had gone home) and after some hours sent them home and turned the building into their headquarters. My office, as the director of the institute, became the office of the unit’s commander, and the campus’ large basement cafeteria was turned into a temporary jail.

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Sep 22 2006

MY blog on Pope in washington post and reactions to it

Published by under Blogs

Five Reactions: Clearing the Way for Dialogue

by Daoud Kuttab

Amman, Jordan – I saw this problem brewing. On Al Jazeera, the Pope’s speech was distorted in the news bulletins through scrolling text on the bottom of the screen where it was repeated ad naseaueum, taken out of context and exaggerated. I then noticed five different types of reactions to the speech. Continue Reading »

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