Archive for May 19th, 2007

May 19 2007

A new Nakba in the making

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A new Nakba in the making
Daoud Kuttab

The abhorrent news from Gaza of illogical killing among Palestinians has hurt the Palestinian cause. Palestinians in the West Bank, where it is rumoured that all available weapons and ammunition have been purchased by militants from one faction or the other, are bracing for some difficult days ahead.

Palestinians can’t blame anyone but themselves. Despite the economic siege and restriction on movement placed on Gaza, there is little that anyone can say by way of explaining the madness. The way attempts at self government have been executed leaves little hope for successful peace talks. An outside observer can easily be excused for asking how Palestinians who cannot learn to administer power fairly, apply the rule of law and understand the meaning of power sharing and rotation of power in Gaza can guarantee that they can do it in the rest of the Palestinian territories. Continue Reading »

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