
Wednesday, September 26, 2007A little humility
By Daoud Kuttab
Guest Columnist
    The controversy surrounding an academic invitation to the Iranian president reflects one of the more serious problems that is negatively affecting the image of the United States around the world.    It was clear that Columbia president Bollinger and his staff wanted to boast that their university respects freedom of expression by inviting a controversial head of state. But when this academic exercise was challenged (mostly by radical pro-Israeli elements), he was forced to tweak this right in order to satisfy his critics and more importantly, the university donors. The way in which this problem was handled (nasty irreverent and unprovoked attack at a guest you invited) made the Ivy League university lose any credit it could have gained by what was otherwise a courageous decision. Continue Reading »
Palestine and the world a love hate relationshipÂ
By Daoud Kuttab
Moments after Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas dismissed the Hamas led government and declared a state of emergency on June 15th , he got a supportive phone call from the
US Secretary of State Condoleza Rice. Within 24 hours
US president George Bush and other world leaders had also called Abbas. In less than a week the 18 month crippling international economic siege on the Palestinian Authority was magically lifted. The signature of the new Palestinian finance minister Salam Fayyad who also headed the emergency Continue Reading »
following appeared in the AUC’s Arab Media and Society Journal February 2007 edition
Interview with AmmanNet founder Daoud Kuttab
By Lawrence Pintak Continue Reading »
Daoud Kuttab: Journalism Professor at Princeton
Veteran Arab journalist Daoud Kuttab left for the US August 9th to take up a teaching post at Princeton University.
Kuttab is the first Arab to ever win the prestigious Ferris Journalism Â
Professorship. He plans to teach a course on new media in the Arab world.
 Kuttab who writes in local and regional newspapers is the director of the Institute of Modern Media at Al Quds University and the founder of the Arab world’s first internet radio AmmanNet.