This time next year?
Daoud Kuttab, IMEU, Jan 17, 2008
President George Bush, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert have committed themselves to give the world a new year’s gift in 2009: an independent state of Palestine. After decades of war and homelessness, oppression and occupation, settlements and walls, this is a welcome move. However, much needs to be accomplished in 2008 for this vision — unlike previous ones — to become a reality.
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Bitterlemons International January 17, 2008 Edition 3 Volume 6
Syria and the Palestinians: A love-hate relationship
Daoud Kuttab
For an entire century, Syria has had a love-hate relationship with Palestinians. The Palestinian cause has been at the core of Syria’s ideological and political posture. The pan-Arab ideology always placed Palestine at the center of Greater Syria, and the ruling Syrian pan-Arab Baath Party followed the Palestinians in choosing a flag identical to that of early 20th century pan-Arabism. Regionally and internationally, Syria has supported Palestinians and the Palestinian position both rhetorically and in posturing within the anti-Camp David front, the non-aligned movement and in the UN.
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