Archive for May 14th, 2008

May 14 2008

Palestinian statehood is priority

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Following appeared in the Washington Post

Priority: Statehood
The Palestinian right of return is not what’s holding up a peace agreement.

By Daoud Kuttab
Monday, May 12, 2008; A19

In the spring of 1948, my father, George Kuttab, and his brother Qostandi fled Musrara, a Jerusalem neighborhood just outside the walled city, after their sister Hoda’s husband was killed in front of her and their children. When Dad used to tell us about the Naqba, the catastrophe that befell Palestinians in 1948, he never talked politics or hatred. He would laugh as he told us how his brother secured their home near Damascus Gate. To assure his mother and brother that the house (in what is now Israeli west Jerusalem) would be safe, my uncle joked that he had double-locked the door, turning the heavy metal key twice. He took that key with him to Zarqa, Jordan, expecting to be able to use it again one day.

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May 14 2008

listen to me on NPR

Published by under Articles

My interview on NPR’s morning edition can be heard on

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