Oct 08 2008
Evangelical Palin Violating Biblical Command
Daoud Kuttab
Posted on the Huffington Post October 6, 2008 | 06:23 PM (EST)
I was astonished as I read the details of Sarah and Todd Palin’s 2006 and 2007 tax returns. What triggered my attention was the line item on the percentage of the Evangelical couple’s contributions to charity.
Normally this line item can cover different kinds of charity. But without looking at the details, most if not all of this money is likely to have gone as part of the born again couple’s contribution to the church of their choice. And while some might contribute without claiming that contribution as a tax deductible gift, except for some small change thrown in during the Sunday offerings most if not all Christian contributors to churches do so using a check for the purpose of being able to claim that amount as a tax deductible gift. Churches by and large have and carefully protect their tax exempt status.