Archive for March 16th, 2009

Mar 16 2009

Between a professional journalist and a patriotic Palestinian

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

This appeared in the Huffington Post on January 7,2009
Arab Journalists and the war on Gaza

by Daoud Kuttab

This was a hard week for me being asked on more than one occasion to choose between being a professional journalist and being a patriotic Palestinian.

As a bilingual observer one is completely frustrated when following what is happening in our region on Arab and international television channels. Using sleep-deprived reports, Arab satellite stations have been continuously filling the airwaves with heart wrenching stories of Palestinians being violently assaulted with a seemingly endless and indiscriminate Israeli attacks.
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Mar 16 2009

“It’s the occupation, stupid.”

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

The following appeared in the Jordan Times and Huffington Post
It’s the occupation Stupid
by Daoud Kuttab

Following the words and efforts of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Sharm el Sheikh, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Ramallah one gets the feeling that she was on a hard-sell campaign trying to convince the majority of Israelis to accept the concept of the two-state solution. For now, Palestinians are more interested in the end of the decades-old occupation of their lands.
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