Jan 20 2010
Jordanian Orphanages, the Minister of Social Affairs and the Media
By Daoud Kuttab
Orphanages are notorious the world over for being a very sensitive place. Losing one or both parents is a shocking and highly emotional condition. Having the same young parentless children living away from the warmth of a natural home produces even more trauma and tends to make such children more vulnerable.
It is therefore highly troubling when one discovers adults and even fellow orphans physically and sexually abuse such defenseless children with very few deterrents. This was some of the conclusions that a pair of Jordanian investigative journalists working for months under the supervision of the ARIJ team discovered. The report filling two full pages appeared in the independent daily Al Ghad on December 28, 2009. Reports supervised by Arij are screened and approved by a competent lawyer before being presented for publication.
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