Feb 17 2011
Real freedom of assembly and expression still missing
Following appeared in today’s Jordan Times
Real Freedom of Expression still missing
By Daoud Kuttab
Change to democracy in many Arab countries hinges on their people being able to enjoy two basic rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the right to assembly and freedom of expression.
For decades, most Arab rulers have denied their people these rights, using a multiplicity of laws and regulations. Emergency laws allowed for decades detention without trial and denied citizens the basic right to demonstrate. Freedom of expression has been gagged by repressive laws as well as by government monopolies over mass media. Terrestrial radio and TV broadcasts in most Arab countries are still government monopoly full of cheap government propaganda. Newspapers are either totally or partially owned by governments or in the hands of businessmen in bed with ruling parties.
In addition to this direct control, governments use censorship or soft sponsorship to control local media content. Draconian laws prevent criticism of local institutions. Continue Reading »