
By Daoud Kuttab
The Feb. 20 event held at the PLO offices in Ramallah was supposed to produce a warming of relations between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the various PLO groups led by Fatah.
At the podium was Dr. Abdel Aziz Dweik, the former head of the Palestine Legislative Council, who was elected after the decisive 2006 victory of the Islamists. Next to him was Dr. Hanan Ashrawi member of the PLO’s executive Committee responsible for culture and communications. And next to her was Azzam Al Ahmad member of Fatah’s central committee and its point man in the reconciliation talks. Continue Reading »

By Daoud Kuttab
One of the biggest questions being raised these days is whether the Ramallah-based Palestinian leadership favors the escalation of Palestinian protests. For the past few weeks, Palestinian anger has been publicly displayed in various forms, most prominently in street protests that have raised speculation that a third intifada could be around the corner.
Protests have escalated largely in parallel to and in support of the hunger strikes, including the months-long fast by Samer Issawi and other prisoners. These protests received a boost of sorts when Israeli prison officials revealed that a 30-year-old detainee in their care, Arafat Jaradat, died last Saturday, Feb. 23. Initial Israeli claims that his death was due to an unexpected heart attack were never accepted by Palestinians, who were certain, due to previous experience, that his death was the result of torture. An autopsy attended by a Palestinian doctor appears to have confirmed the Palestinian narrative.
With Jaradat’s death, the violent escalations threatened to get out of hand, and could easily continue up to and during the visit of US President Barack Obama in the second half of March. Continue Reading »