Sep 25 2013
Israel denies Christian peacemaker from entry
By Daoud Kuttab
Israeli security officials at the King Hussein (Allenby) bridge turned back an American peace volunteer who is part of the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron twice in the past week.
Jonathan Brenneman, 25, from St. Marys Ohio was turned back September 25th after a five hour wait at the border crossing. He had been denied entry for the second time. Earlier on September 17th he was denied entry on the justification that he didn’t provide an invitation letter. Unable to apply for a visa at the Israeli embassy in Amman which has been closed for the Jewish holidays, he brought the invitation letter in his second visit as well as testimonials from Israelis only to be turned back. Brenneman has filed a report with the US embassy in Amman. His congressman, senator and US state department officials were also contacted.
Blogging about his experience, Brenneman said the Israeli soldier told him the second time that the reason for his denial was because Christian Peacemaker Teams is not a recognized organization. “I told the soldier that we legally do not need to be recognized by Israel, and I asked why that was a reason for not letting me in. He said his commander said I couldn’t come in for that reason, and that was the end of the conversation.” Continue Reading »