Archive for October 26th, 2014

Oct 26 2014

Palestinians mourn celebrated businessman, philanthropist

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics


By Daoud kuttab

It would be difficult to find a student at Birzeit University who does not know the name Said Khoury. Since 2009, a 3,611-square-meter (38,868-square-foot) building bearing his name has stood tall on the hills of the new university campus. It houses the Center for Development Studies, the Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute for International Studies and the Institute of Community and Public Health.

In a similar vein, it would be almost impossible for a student at al-Quds University not to know the name of this Palestinian businessman and philanthropic role model. The Said Khoury Information Technology Center of Excellence, in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Dis, has been a successful incubator and hub of teaching for Palestinian students since 2002.

Said Tawfiq Khoury died Oct. 16 in his adopted city of Athens at the age of 91. He was known throughout Palestine for his love and support of his homeland and his faith in the Palestinian struggle for freedom, independence and the right of return. Imad abu Kishek, president of al-Quds University, told Al-Monitor, “[Khoury] loved Jerusalem and its university and never turned down a request we asked of him.”

Khoury’s importance to the nation and the region was made clear by the unannounced appearance of Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah at his funeral in Beirut’s Orthodox Church of Saint Nicolas. Also in attendance were Lebanese Prime Minister Tamam Salam and former Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora. Continue Reading »

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