Archive for October 23rd, 2015

Oct 23 2015

Jerusalemites need to be empowered not collectively punished

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Alarabiya English-Logo

By Daoud Kuttab

Israel’s continued punishment for the people of Jerusalem will do little to de-escalate the tensions, but will certainly contribute to widening them. Isolating neighborhoods and demolishing Palestinian homes is considered a collective punishment and a violation to the IV Geneva Conventions.

What Israel needs to do immediately is to empower Palestinians in East Jerusalem by allowing local leadership to rise.

Israel has full control over East Jerusalem (unlike the rest of the occupied territories) and has created a wall separating to further isolate the city from its natural Palestinian cities and leadership.

Isolating neighborhoods and demolishing Palestinian homes is considered a collective punishment.

Daoud Kuttab

The Israeli obsession to weaken the national aspiration of Jerusalemites by cutting off East Jerusalem from the rest of Palestine has meant that the Ramallah-based Palestinian leadership has no leverage on fellow Palestinians. Continue Reading »

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