Dec 14 2015
The long road to labeling settlement products
By Daoud Kuttab
The European Commission’s Nov. 11 “interpretive noticeâ€Â clarifying “the application of existing [European] Union legislation on indication of origin of products to products originating in Israeli-occupied territories†was not arrived at quickly or easily. In fact, it dates back to the mid-1980s.
Years of quiet and persistent action and advocacy dating back to 1984 paved the way for today’s notice. Around that time, some Palestinians had begun thinking about the value of exports. Among them was Charles Shamas, a lingerie manufacturer in Ramallah who approached the EEC about exporting his products to Europe. Now a senior partner with the Ramallah-based Mattin Group, Shamas spoke at length with Al-Monitor about the progression leading to the current labeling guidelines. Continue Reading »