Archive for April 17th, 2016

Apr 17 2016

Israel’s ‘absurd’ Jerusalem map

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

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By Daoud Kuttab

It has been proven true over the years that victors write the history. Nowhere is this fact more obvious than in Jerusalem, where Israelis are trying unsuccessfully to rewrite centuries-old history.

By changing facts on the ground the Israelis are desperately trying to claim exclusivity to a city that has been known for its diversity and religious pluralism.

The latest attempt to monopolise the holy city for Jews has been so over the top that an Israeli newspaper called the effort “absurd”.

A map of Jerusalem’s old city distributed for free to all tourists and produced by the Israeli tourism ministry received widespread condemnations from Christian and Muslim religious and social leaders.

Of the 57 tourist locations identified by Israelis in the old city of Jerusalem, only one Islamic and five Christian sites were listed.

Al Haram Al Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary covering 144 dunums, which occupies about a quarter of the old city is the only Islamic site on the said map. Continue Reading »

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