Jan 07 2025
Newsletter of Daoud and Salam Kuttab 2024

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, Offspring a reward from Him” Psalms 127:3
Our youngest daughter Dina, and Jason Kerkvliet were the focus of three public events in 2024 culminating in the two tying the knot. An engagement in New Jersey, USA in April an August wedding in Amman, Jordan, and a wedding blessing in St Thomas, Canada in December.

Following the April engagement, the family celebrated baby Daoud Bishara Kuttab’s first birthday and grandpa Daoud’s 69th birthday at Bishara’s Philadelphia home.

This was followed by a big wedding in Amman on August 10th. Salam with help from Rania (wife of Danny Kuttab) went all out planning the pre-wedding hafleh at our Deir Ghbar home.
Daoud took the men to a Turkish bath and a well-attended post-wedding visit to Petra, Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea provided many visitors with a rare cultural extravagance. A wedding blessing followed in St. Thomas Canada December 21st.

In addition to weddings and engagements Daoud and Salam’s Amman home was a stopover for family and friends to and from Palestine. Dina Awad-Wong, whose last visit was weeks before the passing of our loving cousin Bishara’s wife Salwa whom Daoud saw on a visit to Beit Jala weeks before her passing away in July. Sami also stopped by on his way to Sir Lanka for a badly needed and well-earned vacation.
Salam’s work as director general of the Alliance Academy Jordan (AAJ) consumed all her waking hours except for three weeks late in July and early August.

She and her team put extensive work into the process, which led to the accreditation of the American High School diploma, which added a new option to the British curriculum they have been offering. She was happy when auditors validating their work asked her and her staff the question: What is your secret, about the amazing work that is taking place at the school which combines high-level education available to all children including children with disabilities in an inclusive wholesome environment.

Daoud’s radio station moved to a new location in Dahiat al Rashid which was convenient for the station and the staff but farther from Daoud’s daily trip. His new electric Hyundai Kona car and a selection of audiobooks have made the trip easier.
As Salam was busy with school graduations and wedding preparations Daoud decided to write a book State of Palestine NOW, which he self-published on Amazon and is translating into several languages (German, French, and Spanish) with possibly Hebrew and Arabic versions later on. Please give Daoud’s book stars and if you can write a short review.

Tamara and Alaa’s girls, Yasmeen and Dalia were flower girls at both weddings. Along with Qasasfa’s newborn Ameer also spent time with us before the two weddings. Ameer is a very easygoing baby; he is always ready to go wherever the family goes. His first word was “Mama,” much to Tamara’s pleasure. He has the cutest crawl, crawling on one knee and using his foot to push the other side. He has been walking around furniture, giving kisses, waving to everyone, and saying “bye” as a warning anytime he wants to go up the stairs on their recent trip to the USA. Dalia loves her third-grade teacher and has been making new friends at school. She has a strong memory when it comes to what she learns in school. She comes back already knowing how to do all her homework and already memorized all her tests from class.
Yasmeen has been enjoying fifth grade. She is dedicated to learning and doing well at school. Her favorite subjects are Math and Spelling. She loves school most so she can spend time with her best friend. This year, she had midterms for the first time and showed perseverance in studying ahead of time for most subjects. Tamara has decided to stay home and care for Ameer and the family. She has become the family driver, taking the girls back and forth to school, a 40-minute drive each way. She’s also working on finishing the master’s degree she started four years ago and hopes to finish it in the next two years. Alaa has continued to work at the Bible college, adding new evening classes this year. He has enjoyed teaching various subject teachers more about the Bible and ancient history.

Tania’s boys Saleem and Karam were ring boys at the weddings and along with their father Samuel looked good in the red tarboosh hat at Amman’s wedding’s final indoor dance. Tania’s work with GIZ and Samuel’s produce work have kept them busy but their visits to Amman were exceptionally happy and joyful to grandparents and grandkids alike.
Bishara, Zohra, and baby Daoud were also able to attend the Amman wedding after a long absence.

It was Zohra and Baby Daoud’s first visit to Jordan. After the wedding, Zohra and baby Daoud went to see her family in Algiers while Bishara was able to visit Palestine after years of absence. 2024 ended with a family event in Canada

and a larger Kuttab family get-together at Danny and Rania’s New Jersey home for New Year’s.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2025 year to all
“Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace among people with whom He is pleased.” Luke 2:14