By Daoud Kuttab
Modern technological development has brought with it the term multitasking, a term that replaced the popular “Can you chew and walk at the same time.”
Palestinian negotiators are now facing the tough challenge of applying to join various UN agencies while, at the same time, agreeing, to continue peace talks until the end of April.
The action was publicly demonstrated by President Mahmoud Abbas who signed, on Tuesday, a document allowing the state of Palestine to join 15 different internationaltreaties.
Until recently, it was believed that Palestinians had to choose between joining international agencies or participating in the negotiations.
US Secretary of State John Kerry had extracted a commitment from Palestinians to refrain from such actions in return for Israel’s release of 104 Palestinian prisonerswho have spent more than 20 years in Israeli jails.
The release of those prisoners, held since before the start of the Oslo peace process, was agreed to during the Sharm El Sheikh agreement signed in September 1999.
Instead of releasing all the prisoners at one time, the Israelis decided on four stages, the last of which was due to take place at the end of March. However, Israel chose not to release of the final batch, insisting that they be released only if Palestinians agree to extend the talks that are due to conclude at the end of April.
Various efforts to make symbolic offers, such as releasing prisoners who have one month left to their term, to convince Palestinian negotiators have failed to change their mind, as they insisted on Israel to deliver as per the agreement. Continue Reading »