Archive for the 'Palestinian politics' Category

Sep 13 2002

Towards a proactive Palestinian negotiating position

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Perhaps one should not give too much weight to the off-the-cuff remarks made by Palestinian President Yasser Arafat during his speech to the Palestinian Legislative Council, but its importance should not be overlooked either.

When he came to the paragraph about the independence of the executive, legislative and judicial powers, Arafat diverted from the prepared text. He told the legislature assembled in his bunker words to the effect that they would do him a favor to relieve him of this awesome responsibility if they are not happy with the way he has been handling his executive powers. Continue Reading »

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Aug 22 2002

Who wants quiet in Mideast

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

An argument has been raging for some time as to which party in the Middle East conflict is more interested in peace and quiet. Israel claims that it wants peace and stability, that it made what it calls a generous offer for peace and that all they got in return was suicide attacks.

Palestinians insist that they want peace and that the illegal Israeli occupation and exclusive Jewish settlement activity in Palestinian lands is the problem. As to the generous offer, they state that returning occupied lands is not charity but an internationally mandated right and that just like the US insisted on all of Kuwaiti territory be returned to its owners, so Palestinians demand that all of the occupied West Bank and Gaza be returned. Continue Reading »

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Aug 14 2002

Danger of Lawlessness in Palestine

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

My 14-year old son, Bishara, and his cousin ran into trouble this week. They were loitering in Bethlehem’s Manger Square during the few hours of the lifting of the curfew when they were confronted by much older teens who wanted to shake them down for money. The incident ended peacefully, but the fact that it took place in the center of Bethlehem in the middle of the day is telling of a much bigger problem that is taking place in the Palestinian territories. Continue Reading »

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Aug 10 2002

The real obstacle is the settlements

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Nothing is causing a perpetuation of the current Palestinian -Israeli violence more than the existence and growth of illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In June 1967 Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza strip (as well as the Golan and Sinai) saying at that time that they would relinquish these areas in return for peace. This Israeli claim has now been proven to be a public relations ploy. Palestinians and Arabs (see the latest Arab League Commitment) have continuously offered peace for land but Israel has refused to give up Palestinian territories. Continue Reading »

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Jul 19 2002

Damned if we do, damned if we don’t

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Palestinians are in a dilemma. We are not sure whom to trust, whom not to trust, what to do or not to do to end the human tragedy in which we find ourselves. To be sure, there are many who pretend to know what is best for us and for our future, but history shows that much of this external advice is self-serving rather than beneficial to Palestinians. Continue Reading »

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Jul 18 2002

Palestine Under Curfew

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

The ninety minutes I spent in the Jordan National Bank in Bethlehem said it all. I had gone to Bethlehem when I learned that curfew was to be temporarily lifted. People were loitering outside the branch shortly 9 am but the staff, which arrived at the same time, needed time to prepare before allowing the customers to come in. Lines were much longer, I was told when the Israeli incursions and curfews began, most people had withdrawn whatever money they thought they would need. Now customers had little money left and those waiting in line were using the bank for check cashing transactions and paying bills and taxes. Continue Reading »

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Jul 14 2002

Palestinians are damned if they do, and damned if they don’t

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Palestinians are in a dilemma. They are not sure what to do or not do, who to trust and what they have to do to end the human tragedy that they find themselves. To be sure there are many who pretend to know what is best for us and for our future, but history shows that much of this external advice is self serving rather than beneficial to Palestinians. Continue Reading »

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May 26 2002

Foreign Presence Needed in Palestine Now

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

It is hard to know whether the international presence created by foreign citizens at Yasser Arafat’s Ramallah headquarters helped prevent further violence there during the recent Israeli siege of the site. But there can be no doubt that the multinational presence in Bethlehem of foreign priests, along with the fact that the international community cares about the Church of the Nativity, helped keep control of what could have been an even more dangerous situation during the standoff in that West Bank city. Continue Reading »

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May 10 2002

Democracy yes, but not on Israel’s terms

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

Discussions among Palestinians, concerning democracy, transparency and reform of the way the Palestinian National Authority conducts itself, are very refreshing.

Minister of Legislative Affairs Nabil Amer, who resigned in protest over the delay in implementing such reform, is to be commended for his courage.

I have been involved for years in trying to create a vibrant, independent media in the Palestinian areas, and have, at times, suffered for my media activism. In 1997, the attempts by Al Quds Educational Television, which I established, to broadcast live Palestinian Legislative Council sessions that dealt with corruption landed me in a Palestinian jail for seven days. Continue Reading »

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Apr 28 2002

Foreign Observers would foster civility

Published by under Articles,Palestinian politics

The reality on the ground in Palestine is hard to refute. The presence of any international civilian in the occupied areas is an instant guarantee of a considerably lower level of violence, brutality and death. Simply put, we Palestinians need to ensure that as many international civilians as possible are in our midst for our protection and for safeguarding the peace process. Add more outsiders, and the vicious cycle of violence could be broken or greatly reduced. Continue Reading »

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