After a hiatus of a few years, we return to our tradition of summarizing the family news in a year end newsletter with photos and other links. The major family news this year is the presence of family and friends from  Jordan and the US for the wedding of our oldest daughter Tamara to Alaa Qasasfa on July 13th. The event was preceded with a wedding shower in Jordan and followed by a honeymoon in Thailand and a trip for the newlyweds to the US this Christmas. This event was challenging because it was held in two churches, in two different cities, with people having to cross three different borders to attend. For more about this unique wedding read this article. Tamara has excitedly returned to her teaching job at the Jerusalem School (including a short stint with Dina as her assistant) while Alaa has returned to his teaching job at the Bethlehem Bible College.
Our slightly reduced direct family (see photo) celebrated Christmas together in Amman. Bishara and Tania came from Palestine and we used the valuable time to catch up on each other’s news. As always Salam used the time for valuable advise as she and and Tania huddled together making delicious cookies and other holiday sweets. The fact that Tamara, Bishara and Tania are working in Palestine has meant that holidays is among the only time that our family gets together. During Eid al Adha we spent four beautiful days in Tala Bay with Bishara, Tania, Tamara and Alaa coming from Palestine.
Bishara now 24 Â is maturing and gaining in stature and wisdom and some even say he is become even more handsome!!! Work wise he is now manager of Palestine News Network and as such got to travel a few times to Turkey and Tunis and expects to go to Cairo, Barcelona and Rio in 2013. He also set up Kuttab Productions which had a problematic attempt to produce a film on Jerusalem this summer. But he is also working on a theatrical/touristic production, a few film ideas and even a recycling project.
Tania who graduated from Taylor University May 2012 worked for a short period with Sabeel an ecumenical center in Jerusalem active in Palestinian liberation theology which seeks to make the Gospel contextually relevant. She wasn’t long at this job before she was hired by Queen Rania’s Madrasati Palestine project working as community mobiliser with Jerusalem-based schools. Her office in Jordan’s Islamic Waqf office in the old city of Jerusalem provides her with a unique view of the Dome of the Rock. Tania loves Jerusalem and is at home in the old city daily weaving through various neighborhoods with ease and grace.
Dina, in eighth grade spends quality time with her dad who takes her daily to Amman Academy. The school year began rather frustrating for her as she realized many of the smarter students she had with her last year where placed in a different branch. Things have improved partially as Dina has accepted a situation she and Salam could not change. Dina held out until she became 13 in August before she joined facebook. Since then, however, she seems to have made up for lost time using facebook to stay in touch with friends and classmates. Her extra curricular activities have focused on music and youth group. Piano lessons paid off as she passed with distinction in the ABRSM piano exam. This Christmas she participated in Christmas caroling with her school at the Amman Marriott. Dina has also found a real place in the Alliance Church youth group. The presence of the Labib Madanat  family in Amman,especially Katie, have provided Dina with more family relatives to share weekends and holidays with.
As always Daoud is still very active at work although he has slightly cut down his travels. One reason for that is the politically motivated end of USAID funding to the Palestinian Shara’a Simsim program he was working on as director general of PenMedia. His new found time is more focused on Community Media Network in Amman which has grown in programming and in presence throughout the Arab world. Among his new professional challenges is , Aswatona, a program that has seen the establishment of radio stations in seven Arab Spring countries. The new challenges has also included Daoud’s visits to Cairo and Yemen. In Jordan Daoud’s expertise has been sought by public (including a visit by Minister for Media affairs)and private organizations working on the development of independent media.
Among the other changes has been the absence of Beth and Jonathan who have moved to Washington. We still see Jonathan who is setting up a major oil recycling factory in Jordan. It is nice to see Daoud’s brother Danny who is a partner in the company.
Salam has been doing a fabulous job as the family anchor. She has also become much more active in her role as a member of the board of Community Media Network thus making her a kind of boss to Daoud at the office. Both Tamara and Tania have logged many hours on Skype getting valuable culinary and other valuable advice from her.
As we remember 2012 and look forward to the new year we hope that you join us in prayers for a happy and peaceful 2013.
Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right. Psalm 106:3
One response
So glad to see the young nephew and nieces grow into maturity. It is now up to Tamara and Alaa to make Daoud and Salam grands!