July 4, 2007
The July 4th reception at the
I spoke for a short while with my friend Jamal Ghosheh director of the Palestinian National Theatre whose board I served on for many years. With him was Zuheir Abu Soud the director of the Jerusalem Chamber of Commerce. I asked him what the Chamber was doing to get it reopened. He had little to say except that they are trying to do things quietly to serve the merchants of the city. Whey don’t you sue the Israelis I asked. No way was his emphatic answer. The only place we can sue the Israelis would be in the Israeli High Court and if we do that and loose there is no appeal. I am not willing to take a 50 50 chance, on a precedent like that being set and the chamber for ever closed. I tried to argue with him that the alternative is waiting for ever while the city falls apart. He insisted on his position and I realized that there was nothing I can do to persuade him to think in a different way.
For me the highlight was seeing my friend Riyad Malki who is now minister of Justice and Information in the emergency government of Salam Fayyad. I chatted with him and when I realized he didn’t know as many people as I did, I started introducing him to people I knew. Since he and I had a discussion just a few weeks earlier about the need to raise awareness on issues of democracy, I introduced him as the leading Palestinian democrat. At one time I said he is the leading democrat in the Arab world. We had both attended the World Democracy Forum in
When Riyad Malki found people he knew, I decided to look for some other people I haven’t seen in a while but I had to stop as the Star Spangled banner was being played out. The
A little later and standing near the podium where the
I started to suggest to Fayyad to do what Bush and before him Clinton do on a weekly basis, namely to make a short address where they speak about a current issue or an important thematic topic. Fayyad was telling me how this idea had started with Ronald Reagan when the
That was a silly response but I decided I am not going to let him go that easily, what about our chamber of commerce, I asked why can’t you use your good offices to get it reopened. This is business not politics. You should be helping our merchants, I demanded. He responded, why do you need a separate chamber of commerce join ours, and if you want the streets to improve we have elections coming up why don’t your people participate.
Not letting up on him I continued: we pay taxes you know. No taxation without… then I stopped. Fayyad noticing that I didn’t continue the sentence, he looked at me and said why didn’t you continue. It was clear that because of the stupid forty year old boycott, our people in East Jerusalem have given the Israeli residents of
By this time, the Israeli mayor realized he wasn’t going to get much of a discussion with the Palestinian prime minister and quietly withdrew leaving Fayyad and me to continue our earlier discussion about issuing a weekly address to the people. Fayyad told me he has done a few programs on Palestine TV. I told him that you are reaching 10% of the Palestinian population that way. But how can I do this address, he asked genuinely not knowing the answer. Simple, I answered him, tape a short message and release it to all the media outlets, this way your message will get in all the media and not just one, I offered to help him if he needed help, and then said goodbye not wanting to abuse my time with him
A few minutes later two Israelis who were with the mayor approach me. One of them handed me his card and said that he is the deputy head of international affairs at the
I left quite happy, having vented out the frustration that I and I am sure everyone in east Jerusalem feel every time they hit a pot hole or cross from dark and dirty east Jerusalem to the different world of West Jerusalem.
3 Responses
Good for you, Mr. Kuttab! 🙂
Perhaps it’s better to leave the streets unfixed. The more East Jerusalem starts looking like West Jerusalem, the less likely it is that we’ll ever get it back.
hi,just read your item about tony blair,i agree with you and wish him luck! but,your comments about removingcheckpoints,etc are unrealistic and misconceived!the history of palestinian culture and action provides too much evidence tha such an opening would invite terrorists to take advantage!!